CIF-SS History Articles

A CIFSS History Tidbit Table of Contents

#1 Early High School Sports prior to CIF-SS History

#2 Letter Awards

#3 Early Sport Groups Prior to CIF-SSSCIAC

#4 Track meet that got CIFSS started

#5 Everett High School

#6 Anaheim vs. Downey 1956

#7 Largest crowd 85,000

#8 Pigeon Track Meet kick-off

#9 Poly 1st State FB Champ

#10 Driller Dynasty

#11 Horseshoes, Football Throw

#12 1st Constitution

#13 Boxing, Skiing, etc.

#14 1st Legal Battle-Covina HS

#15 Office History

#16 1915 BB Champ-Whittier

#17 Wrestling History

#18 Polo, fencing, bowling, handball, 6 man FB, badmnton, rifle, crew

#19 1st Blue Book 1945

#20 E.W. Oliver Father of CIF-SS – where started

#21 Presidents of CIFSS

#22 State CIF beginning

#23 LA City Section

#24 Largest schoool in CIFSS Phoenix

#25 1st Written history of CIFSS

#26 Staff of the CIF-SS office

#27 Exponents

#28 Japanese athletes at end of WWII

#29 CIFSS goes International Mexico

#30 Trona sand field

#31 Sherman Indian School

#32 John Riatt FB Throw

#33 Speedball

#34 Karen Hellyer

#35 Bill Schroeder Helms

#36 Commissioners

#37 CIFSS 100 Greatest Athletes

#38 CIFSS Film Library

#39 Avalon HS

#40 George Buehler Whittier

#41 Hall of Fame 1984

#42 Glenn Davis

#43 Shirley Frazier

#44 Wow! I didn’t know that

#45 General Info on Section

#46 Grenade throw

#47 Fullerton HS Baseball 1942

#48 Bud Houser

#49 Ralph Serna

#50 Paul Castillo

#51 CIF-SS Logos

#52 Corporate sponsorship

#53 Redondo High School Football

#54 Anaheim’s Beebe

#55 Manzanar

#56 Ski Meet 1940

#57 First CIFSS Champions 1913-1914

#58 Rowing-Crew

#59 Earl Thomson

#60 1909 Gold Medal – Ventura High School

#61 Tuffy Conn

#62 Aaron Wade

#63 1939 Swimming Championships

#64 Father of State CIF Will C. Wood 1914

#65 Harry J. Moore

#66 Kinter Hamilton

#67 Tribune Trophy

#68 Women in Sports Chronology

#69 Decade History of CIFSS

#70 John Wayne

#71 All CIFSS Teams Creation

#72 75th Year Celebration

#73 100th Year Celebration

#74 Seth Van Patten

#75 William Russell

#76 Kenneth J. Fagans

#77 Thomas E. Byrnes

#78 Ray Plutko

#79 Stan Thomas

#80 Dean Crowley

#81 Jim Staunton

#82 Rob Wigod

#83 Cumnock School

#84 Football Team Champions Photos

#85 1930 B Football Championship

#86 1918 CIF Football Champions – Spanish Flu

#87 Basketball Team Champions Photo

#88 Trophies of the CIF-SS

#89 Famous Long Beach Poly Cartoon 1920

#90 Bergstrom, B.L. – Bergie

#91 Green, George M. – Secretary

#92 Rants, Hanford Gahr High School

#93 Smidderks, Gary -Conscience of CIF-SS

#94 Early CIF-SS Women Leaders

#95 Girls Competing with the Boys

#96 Trentadue, Jessie Carl

#97 1946 Basketball Championship

#98 Southern California Prep Hall of Fame

#99 Harry J. Moore Trophy

#100 Victor Orsatti Ruth’s bat

#101 First Night Football Game

#102 1st NFL Super Bowl CIF-SS Players

#103 Plunge for Distance

#104 Van Patten Coaching

#105 San Diego Section Creation

#106 Randall Bryden Gymnast

#107 Public Private Committee

#108 Margie Godfrey

#109 Jim Monico President of Council

#110 Bruce McIntosh

#111 20-30 Pomona Tournament

#112 Kraemer Family

#113 Death Valley Field

#114 Push Ball

#115 CIF-Reebok Football Bowl

#116 Phyliss Blatz

#117 Six (6) Man Football

#118 El Paso de Robles

#119 CIF All Star Games CIFSS & LACIF

#120 Byrnes vs. Riles

#121 Football Throw

#122 Frank Greene Coronado

#123 Fletcher Medal Swimming

#124 Chaffey HS Football Champs 1913

#125 Rainer Wulf Assistant Commissioner

#126 Track 1948 Photos

#127 Track 1949 Photos

#128 Track 1950 Photos

#129 Track 1951 Photos

#130 Track 1952 Photos

#131 Track State Finals 1952

#132 Wresting State 1983 Why only 8

#133 John Draghi Gymnastics

#134 Girls Field Hockey

#135 WWII Sports Free Throw and Standing Long Jump Contests

#136 Badminton in the CIF-SS

#137 First State Wrestling Tournament

#138 Espiridion Martinez Castillo “Speedy”

#139 Historic Photo Plaques

#140 Historic Photos Hansen Collection

#141 Where was Jackie and Eddie Arnold

#142 Pop Hyde Long Beach Poly Fan

#143 Joe T. Hill 1936 Deaf Track Weights Champion

#144 History of Locations of State CIF Office