Welcome to the 2015-16 school year! We are ready to go and I pledge to you that our staff and I will continue to dedicate ourselves to moving our section forward and serving you in the best way possible. With that in mind, I would like to give you a preview of what is coming up this year.
Distribution of 2014-15 Budget Surplus – At their meeting on August 13, the CIF Southern Section Executive Committee unanimously approved the proposal to rebate the entire amount of membership dues from the 2014-15 school year to our member schools. Checks will be arriving on your campuses very soon. This rebate, along with our playoff revenue splits and television/ web revenue distribution has resulted in a total of over $1.8 million being returned to our schools from the last school year. In this way, we are pleased to be able to reinforce to you the value of the true partnership that exists between our organization and our member schools.
New Website – Our new website is almost ready for launch after months of study and testing to make it more efficient and user-friendly. We hope you enjoy the new features and increased functionality and encourage you to visit our new website often to get more familiar with it.
Professional Development for Athletic Directors/Athletic Administrators – The MVP AD Certification Program will provide professional growth opportunities for our Athletic Directors and Athletic Administrators. Through Eligibility Workshops, the Athletic Administrator Summit, MVP AD Exam, etc., we hope to increase their knowledge and assist them in being more effective educational leaders. Check our website for more information on this program.
Also, the CIF Southern Section Athletic Administrator Summit will take place on Monday, October 19 at the Sheraton Fairplex Hotel and Conference Center in Pomona. A great day of excellent presentations and networking opportunities awaits our athletic professionals and we hope you make your plans now to be there. Sign-ups are now available on our website.
Competitive Equity Playoff Model for Playoff Groupings – Power rankings for all affected sports from the 2014-15 school year were distributed to you last month for your review. The next step in this process will be for the CIF Southern Section Council to begin considering a proposal to implement this concept at their first meeting of the year on October 6. More details to come.
Potential Season of Sport Calendar Changes for 2016-17 – We are currently surveying our schools to determine their start dates and end dates for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years. Once we have compiled this data, we will begin working with our Sport Advisory Committees to determine whether our seasons of sport calendars should be adjusted for the 2016-17 school year. Please respond to the survey immediately as the deadline for submissions is Friday, August 21.
Return to Play Protocols – Valuable information regarding new CIF Bylaws related to Return to Play Protocols is now available in a powerpoint presentation posted on our website. I invite all administrators, coaches, student-athletes and parents to view this presentation in an effort to help raise awareness of these important safety precautions that are now in place.
These are just a few of the many new and exciting things happening this upcoming school year. I hope you are as energized as we are to get it all started. I thank you very much for your continued help and support and wish you good luck always.